Author: HOGadmin
Watch this video to learn what a thoroughbred horse trainer likes about HandsOn Gloves.
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HandsOn Grooming Gloves have arrived! With a glove on each hand, you reach beyond professional grooming excellence while naturally bonding with your animal.
HandsOn Gloves Size Guide

The most highly anticipated and by far the best bathing AND grooming product to ever hit the market, HandsOn Gloves have arrived. With a glove on each hand, you reach beyond professional grooming excellence while naturally bonding with your animal. You will throw all of your old, antiquated tools away! The scrubbing nodules on the fingers and palms provide a deep thorough clean and are the best de-shedders on the market today. Another added benefit is your animals hair does not stick to the HandsOn Glove; just a simple flick of the wrist and the hair instantly releases so you can go right back to caring for your animal.
Why Do Dogs Roll In Feces?

Rolling in dog, cat, cow, horse, coyote, and other animal feces is very common for dogs. There are several theories on this, and here is the one that seems most plausible. The primal, ancient instinct of dogs is to mask their scent for hunting. This would enable the dog to sneak up on his prey without detection. Even if your dogs don’t hunt, that instinct is in them.
Whatever the actual reason for dogs to roll in feces, it happens. And when it does, no one enjoys cleaning up these mess. Keep the filth off your hands with HandsOn Gloves. Having your gloves on while cleaning up these fun times is more bearable for the human, and leaves you and your animals much cleaner.
HandsOn Gloves Provide a Better, Easier Way to Bathe Horses and Dogs

Get ready to throw out all of your bathing mitts and scrubbers in the trash for good.
Remember as a young kid bathing horses and not understanding what the useless bathing mitts were good for? And then, as you got older and your hands were bigger, the mitts were still useless and wouldn’t stay on – especially for the soapy, wet conditions they were designed for?
These problems were the motivation for HandsOn to spend over three years designing and creating a solution. An effective pair of actual gloves! Through the process, we realized why this type of glove had not previously been available on the market. They were very difficult to make. But we did it!
Yes, that’s right, no more cramps from contorting your hands in unnatural positions, just hoping and praying the mitt will stay on long enough to finish half of one side of your horse. No more reaching for a shampoo bottle with a disfigured thumb (and no individual fingers to grab hold), only to send the slippery bottle flying through your horse’s legs and across the wash stall; freaking them and you out, making you look and feel like an idiot.
Put your opposable thumbs to good use for a better, healthier and happier bath time. You’ll approach these tasks with more confidence, and your horses and dogs will appreciate it.
Try HandsOn Gloves and never bathe your animals the same again.